SoundBrain RA awarded Academic Year Undergraduate Research Grant
Congratulations to our undergraduate research assistant Jaimie Hong on receiving a Northwestern University Office of Undergraduate Research Academic Year Undergraduate Research Grant (AYURG)!
Jaimie has been awarded this AYURG for her project “Relationships Between Dynamic Sensory States and Stimulus Encoding in Lexical Tone Categorization“, guided by SoundBrain Lab postdoctoral scholar Dr. Ja Young Choi.

SoundBrain Lab awarded Ryan Acceleration Fund for Clinical Translation of Hidden Hearing Loss Diagnostics
The Ryan Family Research Acceleration Fund, a $35 million initiative of Northwestern University and the Ryan Family Foundation, is accelerating life sciences research with immediate societal impact. Over two rounds of funding, the initiative has awarded more than $4 million, supporting 16 transformative projects from a competitive pool of 139 proposals submitted by Northwestern researchers.
In its second round of awards, the fund recently bestowed more than $2 million to support eight exceptional research projects to translate cutting-edge life science discoveries into transformative, real-world solutions.
The SoundBrain lab was selected as a Ryan Acceleration Fund recipient for our research project aiming to accurately diagnose and characterize hidden hearing loss (speech understanding difficulties despite absence of hearing loss). This project will use cutting-edge AI and data analytics to address a critical unmet need in hearing health diagnostics.
This project is led by Principal Investigator (PI) Bharath Chandrasekaran (the Ralph Jean Sundin Endowed Professor, School of Communication) alongside co-PI’s Sumit Dhar (the Hugh Knowles Chair in Hearing Sciences, School of Communication) and Jacie McHaney (research assistant professor, School of Communication).
Read more about the new Ryan Acceleration Fund recipients and their projects.

SoundBrain Lab attends Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience 2024
Dr. Kevin Sitek presented his work “Functional connectivity across the human subcortical auditory system using an autoregressive matrix-Gaussian copula graphical model approach with partial correlations.”
Drs. Jacie McHaney and Zhe-chen Guo presented their work “Reduced neural encoding of phonemes in middle-aged adults” and “Reduced temporal processing of fundamental frequency in middle-age impacts higher-level linguistic features for speech perception”.

Dr. Ja Young Choi and PhD student Shengyue Xiong presented their work “Pupillary measures of identifying talkers in native language and unfamiliar language”.

2024 ASHA Convention Poster selected for meritorious recognition
“Developmental and Individual Differences in Neural Tracking of Speech-on-Speech” has been designated as a Meritorious Poster Submission for the 2024 ASHA Convention held in Seattle, WA from December 5-7. Catch the in-person poster presentation on December 6th from 12-1:30pm and the virtual presentation available to ASHA convention attendees from November 20th-December 10th.

SoundBrain undergraduate RA finalist of Fletcher Undergraduate Research Grant Prize
The SoundBrain Lab congratulates Avery Leblanc for being selected as a finalist for the Fletcher Undergraduate Research Grant Prize! She was one of ten finalists out of 251 projects. Way to go, Avery!

Upcoming: SoundBrain Lab at APAN 2024
The SoundBrain Lab is looking forward to presenting at the Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) meeting in Chicago this October!

SoundBrain RAs receive summer research grants
Congratulations to our undergraduate research assistants Avery Leblanc and Gabby Butler on receiving summer research grants!
Gabby received a summer grant through the Weinberg College Baker Program in Undergraduate Research. Her project, titled “Using Electroencephalography to Investigate Neural Mechanisms Responsible for Processing of Self versus Passively Generated Sounds“, will investigate differences in auditory processing mechanisms that are in response to passively-generated sounds and sounds that the listener intentionally generates/plays. This project is guided by Dr. Kevin Sitek.
Avery received a Summer Undergraduate Research Award. Her project, titled “Effect of Vibrotactile Stimulation on F0 Encoding“, will investigate how a listener’s perception of pitch may be enhanced by receiving vibrotactile stimulation that reflects certain pitch qualities. This project is guided by Dr. Jacie McHaney.

SoundBrain Lab attends FFR Workshop 2024
The SoundBrain Lab enjoyed presenting current projects, learning from the FFR community, and reconnecting with lab alumni!
Drs. Anoop B Jagadeesh (left), Ja Young Choi (middle), and Nike Gnanateja (right) presented a current project “Laurel vs Yanny – An investigation into the neural mechanisms of an auditory illusion”

Dr. Zhe-chen Guo (right) and Shengyue Xiong (left) presented a project in collaboration with the Parthasarathy Lab “Decoding single-trial frequency-following responses to speech stimuli using an animal model”.

SoundBrain Lab bids farewell to Pittsburgh
The SoundBrain Lab relocated to Northwestern University in July 2023 and is currently under construction! Stay tuned for updates.